New Day: Digital
Privacy Matters for
Brand Loyalty
People—especially those with the greatest spending power—are ready to take their business elsewhere if their privacy isn’t treated with respect. Despite a looming recession and inflation, people would rather shop at a brand they trust, even if they have to spend more.
74% of people would not shop at their favorite retailers if they found out the retailer didn't keep their personal data safe. The numbers were highest among Millennials and Gen Z – groups that represent the biggest spenders today.
3 out of 4 people would shop at a brand they trusted rather than save a few dollars at an online shop.
Unsubscribes Happen All the Time
It’s no wonder people will walk with their feet. The percentage of people who continued to get spam or emails even after unsubscribing went up by more than 20% in 2022 compared to 2020! 28% of people unsubscribe daily or at least a few times a week!
Percentage of people who received emails after unsubscribing:
Transparency Wins Brand Loyalty
8 out of 10 would more likely shop at a brand that was more transparent about their data privacy practices. Data shows Gen Z is attracted to work for companies that share their values— the same could be said for where they shop!