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Request Manager

Automate your data subject access, deletion, and opt-out requests with DataGrail in a repeatable, scalable way.

Fewer people. Less time. Less stress.

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Explore how it works

DataGrail Request Manager enables brands to ditch manual workflows and stay ahead of consumer expectations by automating consumer privacy requests at scale.

Request forms

Keep your data subject requests organized by funneling them through a request form on your website.

Build branded, user-friendly forms for your website to funnel all DSR requests, which will automatically populate in your dashboard.

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Identity verification

Verifying a data subject’s identity before you fulfill a request is a vital step in your privacy request process.

DataGrail’s patented Smart Verification™️ uses pre-existing data to authenticate user identities.

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Intelligent data processing

No matter where personal information lives across your AI systems, DataGrail will orchestrate deletion, access, and opt-out requests.

Enable privacy operations on top of any internal and third-party system using AI.

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Streamlined collaboration and management

Managing DSARs manually can take your legal, IT and engineering teams offline for days, one request at a time.

Manage and monitor every DSR from one dashboard and easily collaborate with internal teams and third-party vendors with in-platform project management.

Risk Management

Minimize risk of human error

The privacy landscape is evolving and manual workflows that introduce human error don’t cut it anymore. DataGrail tracks requests and processes them with precision, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Streamline workload

Streamline your workload

Managing requests one-by-one takes your legal, IT, and engineering teams offline for days. DataGrail automates operations to handle data subject access, deletion, and do-not-sell (opt-out) requests in a repeatable, scalable way.

Build brand trust

Maintain a high level of trust by quickly fulfilling consumer privacy requests with fewer people and at scale with DataGrail’s secure and responsible automation.

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Let’s get started

Ready to level up your privacy program?
We're here to help.