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Moderated Panel

The Future of Consumer Choice

Ryan O’Leary Data Privacy Analyst, IDC
Ty Sbano CISO, Vercel
Frances Phillips-Taft Lead Counsel, Global Data Privacy and AI , Legends
Tarun Gangwani Principal Product Manager, DataGrail

Balancing modern marketing strategies with ever-evolving consumer data privacy expectations is no small feat. In an era where data privacy regulations are rapidly changing, the concept of consent finds itself at a crossroads. Tune into a conversation with Tarun Gangwani, Product Manager at DataGrail, and other privacy professionals as they navigate the complexities of modern consent, marketing and data privacy expectations.

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Moderated Panel

Navigating the Latest AI and Privacy Regulations

Sam Sabin, Shannon Yavorsky, Stacey Schesser, Mirena Taskova
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Featured Presentation

Building Cross-Functional Privacy & Risk Councils

Kirsten Daru
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