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Conclusion and Key Takeaways

The CCPA as amended by CPRA is a complex law that can be difficult to navigate and manage. However, with the right tools and partners, CCPA compliance is well within any business’s grasp.

The Agency is empowering Californians to exercise their data privacy rights in record numbers and driving home the need for businesses to maintain comprehensive and efficient data privacy programs.

Organizations should continue focusing on implementing data minimization strategies, data retention policies, and a frictionless privacy experience for consumers. All things considered, we can expect the price of privacy to continue rising.

If you’re procrastinating on preparing your business for CCPA, it’s time to prioritize moving forward. Start integrating privacy into every aspect of your business and automating privacy practices to reduce manual work and the risk of human error.

Familiarize yourself with the data your company holds, how you use it, and where it comes from. Pay attention to the user experience that data subjects deal with when interacting with your brand on a data privacy level to help build, maintain, and scale an effective privacy program.

How to Get Started


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