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Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA)

Passed July 18, 2023
Effective Date July 1, 2024
Who it applies to

Entities that (1) do business in Oregon or provide products/services to Oregon residents; and (2) control/process data of 100,000+ Oregon consumers; or derive 25%+ revenue from selling data of 25,000+ consumers. Exempt entities include government agencies, public corporations, financial institutions as defined under the Bank Holding Company Act (BHCA), and nonprofits connected with insurance activities.

Penalties Up to $7,500 per violation

What’s notable about it:

It has a unique definition of personal data that includes "derived data," which is information or identifiers reasonably linked to a consumer. Make sure you check whether your business is covered under the OCPA’s long and complicated list of exemptions. While Oregon’s law applies relatively broadly, there are some oddly-specific carve-outs—for example, for nonprofits involved in insurance fraud or media programming.

The Strict Spectrum

Less Strict