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Introducing Request Manager Workflows: The Fastest and Most Flexible Way To Fulfill Data Privacy Requests

Sammi Reinstein, May 10, 2024

People’s expectations for data privacy are higher than ever—and they’re taking action. In our annual Data Privacy Trends report we found a 246% increase in data subject request volume from 2021 to 2023. This number isn’t slowing down anytime soon; digital natives in Gen Z are putting their money where their mouths are. In fact, 42% of 18-24-year-olds submitted a data privacy request in 2023 and 94% say they prioritize their personal data security when choosing retailers.

Not only have privacy requests increased, but privacy regulations have as well. 49% of all US residents are or will be covered by consumer data privacy laws in the next 3 years. To make matters tougher for legal teams, privacy professionals, and CISOs trying to keep up, businesses have more data, applications, and shadow IT to manage than ever. 

DataGrail’s leading Request Manager solution has been helping customers automate data subject request fulfillment, decreasing the amount of time, resources, and stress for busy teams. But as regulations, consumer expectations, and security risks grow—so do the functionalities of our data privacy platform. 

We’re excited to announce DataGrail Request Manager Workflows. Workflows allows customers to manage how various request types and use cases are handled and programmatically define processing so you and your team can keep up with regulation changes and increasing privacy requests at scale. 

Request Manager Workflows allows you to define processing conditions, like how an access request under CPRA is handled, and then manage the request by defining how it is processed in the various phases. Workflows also enables you to replace manual processing efforts by carrying out workflows with automation, removing the heavy lifting for your team and ensuring you never have to stress or miss a deadline. 

An enterprise-grade solution for your unique business processes

Every business has unique challenges when it comes to data privacy. We know that not one process and fulfillment method fits all. Request Manager Workflows gives you the ability to go beyond basic configuration settings—scale your privacy program with ticket processing workflows, while keeping your business processes in mind.

Request Manager Workflows allows you to: 

  • Reduce time to close: close tickets faster by defining how requests are processed.
  • Ensure data fidelity: Sequence your integrations to ensure data doesn’t repopulate downstream. 
  • Replace manual processes with workflows: Replace your complex manual processes by designing workflows for specific conditions and processing that matches your business processes. 
  • Programmatically retain data: Define which systems retain data by programmatically excluding them from processing when specific conditions are met.

“DataGrail has saved us countless man-hours and tech resources and really allowed us to be compliant in the easiest way possible” – Jodi Chapin, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Revolve

Request Manager Workflows in action

So, what kind of processes can DataGrail help you manage? 

Employee DSARs

CPRA introduced the right for employees and former employees to access their data from their employers. Most employers fulfill these requests differently than a consumer access or deletion request. 

With Request Manager Workflows, you can automate the processing of these access requests with an alternate processing path to consumer DSARs. For example, you can assign the tickets to a specific employee or manage the processing of particular integrations related only to employees. 

Denying requests in jurisdictions without privacy laws

While the privacy landscape is constantly changing, not all requests must be processed by law. Request Manager workflows enable you to filter out the noise by setting Workflows to deny requests to customers who do not fall under any legal policy.

Programmatic data retention 

Request Manager Workflows enables you to exclude specific integrations from processing programmatically. This gives customers the ability to retain data in their systems for deletion requests. Customers can decide what a requester has access to download for access requests. 

Integration sequencing to ensure data fidelity

Many data dependencies exist between internal and third-party systems. This often means that when organizations start the deletion process, systems will repopulate data downstream if they don’t first delete from integrations that have data dependencies. 

Request Manager Workflows ensure data remains deleted. Creating these workflows allows users to define the processing sequence for their integrations and when to skip an integration based on a set amount of time to ensure deadlines are met.

It’s time to ditch the manual workflows and rigid fulfillment tools. With Request Manager, there’s a better, more customizable way. Spend your time on more strategic projects and let DataGrail automate the manual work for you. 

Ready to get started? Contact your customer success manager, email [email protected], or request a demo with our team here

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