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About this Report

Consumer Privacy Trends Methodology

DataGrail partnered with Schlesinger Group to understand consumer sentiment around data privacy. In July of 2022, we used an online survey to ask 2,000 Americans, 660 Britons, 660 French and 660 German citizens questions related to privacy.

To estimate how many CCPA requests Californians have processed, we extrapolated the percent of Californians who answered "yes" to that question and multiplied it by the population of California as tabulated by the U.S. Census.

About DataGrail

DataGrail is the leading privacy management platform for building consumer trust and eliminating risky business. With 1,400+ pre-built connectors, DataGrail offers continuous system detection and automated data subject request (DSR) fulfillment to scale privacy programs. Companies like Overstock, Okta, Revolve, and Databricks use DataGrail to comply with evolving privacy laws and regulations (like GDPR and CPRA), safeguard their bottom line, and protect millions of consumers.